Thanks for stopping by to check us out! Plainfield Baptist Church is a newly planted church in Plainfield Township, Michigan. We are a just a group of regular people doing our best to live committed lives for Jesus Christ! We would love to have a chance to meet you! To learn more about our ministry, just keep scrolling...
Time to Worship
Join us for any or all of our weekly service times!
bible classes
We have Bible classes for all ages! This is where relationships are made! Each class spends time studying books of the Bible, topics, etc. There's a class for everyone; come find yours!
Sunday Morning
Join us for our morning worship at 11:00am! Enjoy inspiring music and Bible preaching all in the midst of an inviting family atmosphere. Visit us this Sunday!
Sunday Evening
Evening worship meets at 6:00pm. We love to come together Sunday nights for another refreshing time of praising our Savior in song, and more Bible preaching!
Wednesday activities
Starting @ 6:40pm
Wednesdays are busy at Plainfield Baptist! Children Pre-K through 6th Grade meet at 6:40pm for our AWANA Clubs. Our Youth Group (7th-12th Grade) also meets at 7:00pm, and adults come together for our Midweek Bible Study & Prayer Groups at 7:00pm.
Deaf Ministries
We have more than a ministry for the Deaf. At Plainfield Baptist, the Deaf are part of the family. Our Sunday morning worship service features an excellent ASL interpreter. The Deaf have their own Bible Class on Sunday morning, and during Sunday evening they meet together for their Deaf Worship Service. On Wednesdays, the Deaf hold a Midweek Bible Study at 7:00pm. Contact us with any questions about our Deaf Ministries!
Where to find us:
Welcome to our home away from home!
Our church is located on Woodworth Ave NE. It is situated adjacent to the Meijer store. There is a traffic light at the intersection of Plainfield and Woodworth, and our signs are visible from the street, so it’s easy to find us! We’d love to have you as our special guest in our home away from home! See you there this Sunday!
“Reaching and teaching people for Christ.”

Our Purpose:
The local church's ultimate purpose is to glorify God. At Plainfield Baptist Church, we seek to do that by fulfilling Jesus' command to share the Gospel with people, and by providing an environment in which God's Word is faithfully preached, and His people can grow deeper in their relationship with Christ.
Our Mission:
It is the mission of Plainfield Baptist Church to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach people to love Him and obey His commandments, and to preach His word until He comes.
Our Vision:
It is our desire that Plainfield Baptist Church would be a steady beacon of the Light and the Love of the Gospel in Plainfield Township, Michigan. Our hope is, within the next few years, to have established a reputation as God's people on Plainfield.